History and Preservation

The Chronicle Has Arrived

The latest issue of The Chronicle is available.


Thank you to all who contributed!


Colleen Goode

(Newsletter Editor)

History and Preservation Meeting Minutes - Jan 24, 2022

Program proposals and acceptances are also attached.

H&P Meeting January 24 2-3

We have scheduled our January History and Preservation Meeting for January 24th, 2-3. Please plan to attend we'd love to see everyone there!

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89975338231?pwd=Tll0Sk1Lb08yWTFNTU5vS056SXlwQT09

Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DTIzhAyQEIibbqE4IcsetTjPjJJsPK_E5uTQ...

2022 Susan G. Swartzburg Preservation Award

We need your help in recognizing the career achievements of deserving colleagues! 

Consider nominating them for the 2022 Susan G. Swartzburg Preservation Award.  This award honors the memory of a librarian whose leadership in New Jersey inspired and influenced many others in our profession, particularly in the areas of preservation of library materials, archives, and the book arts.  The deadline for nominations is April 1, 2022.
For details on submitting a nomination, click on the following link:   http://njlamembers.org/content/susan-swartzburg-award

The Fall issue of The Chronicle has arrived

Greetings All,

The Fall issue of The Chronicle has arrived. Thank you to all who contributed!


Kind regards,

Colleen Goode

(newsletter editor)

Join us for H&P Meeting and Alice Paul Presentation October 18th


Tentative meeting agenda: HERE . All are welcome to Alice Paul presentation. 



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