History and Preservation

The Winter issue of The Chronicle is Here


The Winter issue of The Chronicle is here. Thank you to all who contributed!


Kind regards,

Colleen Goode

(Newsletter editor)

The Fall issue of The Chronicle is here


The Fall issue of The Chronicle is here. Thank you to all who contributed!


Kind regards,

Colleen Goode

(Newsletter editor)

Workshop: Copyright Fundamentals for Librarians and Archivists

The New Jersey Library Association (NJLA) History & Preservation Section and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) are co-sponsoring a Copyright Fundamentals for Librarians and Archivists Workshop
When: Friday, October 25, 2019 from 9am to 4pm
Where: Chester Library, 250 W. Main St., Chester, NJ  07930
Instructor: Peter Hirtle, Cornell University (retired)
Cost: $90

The Summer Issue of The Chronicle is here


The Summer Issue of The Chronicle, the newsletter of the H&P Section is available for viewing at the following link:


Thank you to all who contributed! The deadline for the next issue is September 25th.

Best regards,

Colleen Goode

(Newsletter editor)


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