History and Preservation

The new issue of The Chronicle is here

The new issue of The Chronicle has been posted and is available for your viewing pleasure.


Thank you to all who contributed!

H & P Sponsored Sessions at the Annual Conference


 Is It All In the Archive? Web Archiving Tools: Tips and Challenges

Elizabeth Scott, Jacquelyn Oshman, John Beekman

JUN 03 11:00 - 11:50 AM 


 Documenting the Neglected

Iveta Pirgova, Mimi Lee, Thomas Ankner, Yesenia Lopez

JUN 03 3:00 - 3:50 PM 



 Diversifying the Archives

Beth Zak-Cohen, Jacqueline Silver-Morillo, James Amemasor, Richetta Wilson Lobban, Valencia Johnson

JUN 04 11:00 - 11:50 AM 


 Getting the Word Out

Meeting Reminder

We will be meeting on Thursday, May 20, 2021 via Zoom.  I hope to see you there!


The Chronicle has arrived

Hello H&P Colleagues,

The spring issue of The Chronicle has arrived. 


Thank you to all who contributed!

Articles for future issues can be submitted anytime to cgoode@theoceancountylibrary.org. The deadline for the next publication is July 27th.

Have a great weekend!


Notice of Bylaw Changes Resulting from Biennial Review

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee has completed its biennial review of the bylaws and recommended changes to be voted on by membership at our May 20, 2021 meeting. 

Changes address the following issues:

Recognizing the current practices of the Professional Development Coordinator position:

* Article II, Section A (appointed by President).

* Article V, Section A (role in assisting the Executive Board with membership meetings and other activities).

* Article VI, Section A.2 (mandatory member of Program Committee).

History & Preservation Section General Membership Meeting

Please join us for our next general membership meeting via Zoom. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 10 to 11:30am

We will be discussing conference prepartions, bylaw changes, and project updates.  

I hope to see you there!





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